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Retiring near family can mean many things, not just being close to your grown children and grandchildren. Depending on your situation, it might mean having an adult child living in your home - or it might entail taking care of an elderly parent. Sometimes it is not that easy, as seen by the 1 in 7 baby boomers who are 'sandwiched' - providing financial support to both children and parents. Pros of retiring near family The chance to see and be part of the lives of your grandchildren as they grow up. The ability to help new parents as they juggle careers and child rearing. The chance to see you family members more often. A built-in social network. Support for your children who need it. Support for you, yourself, as you age. Cons Sometimes you can be too close. Adult children with kids can move a lot. That means that you will probably have to move too. Your children or family might not live in a geographically desirable area. You might feel taken advantage of as the default baby sitter, caregiver, or skivvy! Among retired couples, one member might want to be near the kids, while the other may prefer another dream. As elderly parents you, yourself, may prove to be a burden to them - especially if you are needy, or other siblings don't help out. The foregoing comments were the result of a survey conducted by an American company - Top Retirement .................... Courtesy of www.topretirements .com 

02 Dec 2022
Author Top Retirement
14 of 41