Retirement Places Logo

Retirement hotspots in KZN

Category News
Why KZN is THE place to retire

How to choose the best place for your retirement

Category Advice
Guideline when determining where to retire

Retirement Capital of SA

Category News
This article covers the reasons why KZN is "the place" to retire to and why retirement property is such a sound investment.

Retirement Accommodation

Category Advice
This covers types of accommodation and what to look out for as far as facilities and services are concerned

First steps when deciding to buy into a Retirement Complex

Category Advice
Things to do before you make the decision to move to a retirement complex

A Few Dont's

Category Advice
These are things what NOT to do

Reasons for moving into a retirement community

Category Advice
This gives a brief summary of factors affecting the decision to move

Legal Ownership

Category Advice
This gives a summary of the different methods of buying a retirement home

Global Ageing

Category Advice
Background on ageing worldwide and what the future holds

Red Carpet event for Tafta's 60th

Category News
The Independant on Saturday and Avalon Theatres are joining up to help Tafta (The Association of The Aged) celebrate 60 years of service.
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