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Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal
Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal

Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal

Overport is a hilly residential area in Durban. The name Overport is commonly used to refer to the suburbs of Overport, Sydenham, Sparks and parts of Essenwood, with the part of Sydenham west of Brickfield Road usually called Asherville rather than Overport.

The name Overport was coined by William Hartley, the eighth Mayor of Durban, for an estate he developed in what had up to then been called West Hill. The estate was borderd by today's Julia, Springfield, Essenwood (now Stephen Dlamini), and Brickfield (now Felix Dlamini) Roads, although the modern term Overport is commonly used to describe a larger and slightly different area.

Overport borders the suburbs regarded as forming Berea.

Overport, particularly west of Ridge Road, is largely an Indian community and has numerous mosques and temples. It has numerous Halaal eating establishments, many along Sparks (now Moses Kotane) Road. The Atrium shopping centre, which was previously known as Overport City, and Netcare Parklands Hospital are in Overport as well as the very popular TAFTA Lucas Gardens Retirement Complex.

2 Residential Homes For Sale in Overport
From R610,000 to R1,500,000
1 Residential Homes To Let in Overport
From R13,353 pm to R13,353 pm
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